Tuesday, 25 May 2010


Yes believe it or not you all ask us the same questions!!

These are just a few of the questions and answers. You can read more by clicking here.

  1. Where's the first place your heading to?
    Bangkok (Click here to read more about our Travel Itinerary )

  2. How much have you saved?
    Erm a few grand. We are planning to be working in Australia, and we also have a bit of an income from this blog.

  3. How long are you going for?
    We'd like to say for ever, but we have to find some sort of income (hopefully we can make a bit of money from this blog) Our tickets are valid for 12 months.

  4. Will you have a job to come home to? / Is the college keeping your jobs open?

    The answer to this is no.

  5. Will you miss your family?
    Yes, of course we will miss our family! But with the power of the Internet will can  keep in contact for free (well not always free as there may be a charge for the connection to the Internet), via email, this blog and skype and there is also phone cards we can buy.
  6. What are you taking/packing?
    We are currently working on a packing list, so you can take a look at the sort of things we will be taking. Apparently all first time around the world travellers always take too much. I know Aimee's going to take more than enough and will end up leaving it for someone else to take and use.
We are currently also working on a FAQ page this is just a little snap shot.

Aimee And Craig

    Wednesday, 19 May 2010

    Crikey !! Red-Shirt-Trouble

    As you may or may not know our first destination we fly to is Bangkok, you might of seen in the news that there are numerous protests going on in Thailand at this moment in time.

    At the beginning of May 2010 we (Craig and I) both read on so many website's and fourms that the Western Media are making the protest look much worse than they actually are. Now we are into the middle of May and we can actually see live footage and terrifying photo's of what actually is happening out there. Apparently there are protests all the time.

    We still have our flights booked to fly into Bangkok, what we do when we get there is another story. We are still currently flying to Bangkok and will assess the situation when we get there. You never know the protest may of stopped by the time we land in Bangkok International Airport.

    If not then we do have the option of jumping back onto a plane to another part of the country (well that's if it's cheap enough for us) or the option for us is catching a train out of the city of Bangkok. We will not know until we actually fly.

    26 DAYS TO GO