Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Bangkok Day 3

18th June 2010

This was actually our first day of being a 'tourist'. But first we had to check out of our first hostel and find a new one. So before breakfast we both went for a walk around the pack packers hell hole called Kaho San Road, we decided to give that place a miss as its full of people trying to sell things to you like suit's, t-shirts and second hand stuff, but a good thing is tho that if you have brought to much stuff over and you want to loose a bit of the weight out of your backpack they actually but the stuff from you. Them kind of stalls are good for guide books.

We found a great hostel, called Happy House. It had AIR CON. Air con a is god if you are not used to the heat. This room was the same price as the other hostel but 10000% times better. It actually felt like a room and not a prison cell. After we checked into the room we went for a walk to find breakfast and then off we went to do some sight seeing.
We went from this shitty little box room with two single beds

To this room it wasn't much but we had a great nights sleep.

We noticed that when you jump in a tuk tuk or a taxi they take the long way around so you don't see whats so close to where you staying so we walked around our local area and noticed there was a temple by where we was staying. We spoke to an ex-monk who still works in the Temple he was actually a good person to talk to he told us to visit the temple of the standing monk.

Wat Chana Songkhram

Inside of Wat Chana Songkhram

He also told us that not many people visit this temple and that they don't get much funding, I guess this is to do with the tuk tuk as they take you make you go look every where else.

Later we took a tuk tuk (one that was funded by the government) he took us for a few Baht to the temple of the standing Budda WOW he stood 43 meters high people pray to him and touch his feet for good luck and make wishes to him.

A man praying to his feet. It's good luck to touch a standing Buddha's feet.

As this temple was not that far away we walked home, it took us around 20 minutes. We went out for dinner and then had an early night.

As we started our big adventure around Thailand.

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