Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The Money Source Part 2

After we left the potato farm, we needed to find a job pretty quick as the little savings we had was running out quickly and the cash we earned from the harvest and pruning was just enough to help us through the next 2 or 3 weeks.

We joined a free agency that had loads of jobs for backpacker's. The Job Shop has won loads of awards for getting backpackers work more than any other agency. They managed to get us a job working on plant nursery called 'Landsdale Plants' In Landsdale North Perth.

We worked at the farm for 3 months doing all sorts of different jobs.
  • Weeding
  • Planting
  • Catching
  • Laying Out
 In the begging of summer Perth had a water band so many people stopped buying plants, so the work for us dried up, so all we was doing was weeding. Then work started to pick back up again and we was back to our normal duties,

Once their was no stock left we had to go back to the weeding, and this was such a pain in the backside. After a few weeks of doing the same crap we decided enough was enough and it was time to leave. We did Leave for a good reason tho, to start our road trip to Sydney.

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