Our next destination is Chiang Mai.
Chiang Mai is 435miles north of Bangkok so to get here the cheapest option is to jump on the sleeper train.
The sleeper train is pretty cheap it costs around £14/£16 for the top/bottom bunk in second class with air con.
If you want a good nights sleep pay the extra £2 for the bottom bunk, as on the top bunk it does get cold, and I felt that I was going to fall out and land in the isle of the train. It's that bad some people actually take valium to get them to sleep.
Another tip do not buy the food on the train, if your budget is tight I'd buy some beer (that's if you want to) and food with you for the journey. As it will save you a heck of a lot of cash.
Craig and I made this mistake and brought the meals from the train we had a evening meal each 1 beer 1 sprite and breakfast with coffee it set us back a good 1250b which works out to be over £25.
Now if you have never seen a ladyboy chance's are you will get a ladyboy waitress. We did and she was fairly boisterous. Although she didn't take a shinning to Craig but our pal Matt shit out. Everytime he fell asleep the ladyboy would rub his feet and legs. We think he enjoyed it. Didn't you Matt :-)
So more about these trains, they tend to leave the station at the time stated on your ticket. But they move off one station then you can wait there for up to an hour, like we did. I think I would of enjoyed the sleeper train more if it was a tad bit cleaner. But hey you get what you pay for I suppose.
If you have to be somewhere at a certain time, please do not count on the sleeper train to get you to your destination on time. I suggest that you either get the train the day before or you fly up to Chiang Mai or where ever your next port of call is to.
How does the sleeper train work?
Well when you buy a ticket you pay for your seat and your bed.
When you find your seat you will be sitting opposite the person who is sleeping under/above you.
Then when you are ready to go to bed, the top bunk come's down and the seats where we are sitting in the above picture fold down into a bed too.
If you don't like the idea of this you can always buy the 1st class ticket, this ticket allows you to have a cabin, in the cabin there are two beds just the same as the beds you see above, but you are in your own 'room'.
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